This group (also known as The Branson Show League) is an association comprised of shows and theaters (as well as attractions, restaurants, shopping establishments, and media) in Branson, the Live Music Show Capital of the World.
The diversity and variety of choices of live shows combined with a wide array of attractions (including an award-winning theme park), places to eat, and plenty of great shopping, makes Branson a unique, fun-filled family vacation destination. There are more than 100 live shows featuring music; comedy; magic; dancing; acrobats; theatrical plays and other types of entertainment.
Each year, the Branson Show League sponsors events such as the Ozark Mountain Shindig - A Springtastic Celebration from April 1 through May 31; the Hot Winter Fun Big Show (an event featuring a variety of shows) typically on the first Monday in February; the Party with The Stars; and other activities. Browse our website to learn more about the variety of shows in Branson.